Setting your SMART goals.

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Setting your SMART goals.

Achieve your significant goals easily 

with Maybank Invest app.

Investment Conditions:

Minimum initial investment: 10,000 THB

Minimum monthly investment: 2,000 THB

Investment assets: Stocks, bonds, and other assets

Today, planning to achieve goals has become increasingly challenging due to economic conditions and technological advancements. With the rise of shopping apps, online food delivery, and other social media influences, our desires are constantly stimulated, making it easy for money to slip away from our pockets.

Therefore, if you have significant goals, such as buying a house, purchasing a car, getting married, or traveling around the world, here's how to start achieving them correctly:

-Define your goals.
-Assess your current resources.
-Download the MBI app and use the Goal Base function.
-Select "Dream Purchases."

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