DR/DRx Investment, increasing opportunities for better returns.
Enhance your investment opportunities with Depositary Receipts (DR) and Depositary Receipt X (DRx) which provide continuous returns from dividends and price gains. investors can easily diversify their investments and potentially reap significant returns, as if they were investing directly with world leading company.
Things to consider before investing
Why is investing in “DR/DRX” beneficial?
Capital Gain
Investors can achieve capital gains through the buying and selling of DRs (Depositary Receipts), as the price of DRs typically moves in line with the underlying asset's price (excluding the impact of exchange rates) due to the same underlying fundamentals.
Other Benefits
Investment taxes
Invest with Thai Baht
You can trade using a Thai stock account, allowing transactions in Thai Baht. However, there is still exchange rate risk involved.
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Identification Card

Bank account for receiving dividends

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